Ritual Meditative Inquiry
Here’s what you’ll need:
15-60 minutes of uninterrupted time
Space to sit or lie down
Spirit Card
Ritual Oil or Aura Spray
Smudge tool (optional)
Any other props that feel important to creating a peaceful, comfortable space (pictures, found objects, etc.)
To Begin
· Start with an audible OM to transition into this space.
· Light your candle. The light is symbolic of the light, the spark, the perfection within you.
· If you would like to smudge the space, you could do that now.
· Offer yourself the ritual oil on your wrist or heart. Or offer the aura spray to the room and your energy field.
· Ground. Perhaps simply feel where your body is making contact with the surface beneath it. IF you’d like more, you could close the eyes and visualize roots extending beneath you, growing down into the cool, receptive strength of the earth. Touch into a sense of density, stability, connection, the feeling of being supported.
Feeling yourself rooted and grounded, let the eyes close. Notice that you are breathing. Count your exhalations down from 11 to 1.
Begin to feel into your heart. Feel or imagine a warmth there, a glow.
For 5 breaths, imagine you could breathe into your heart. Each inhalation breathing into the warmth there, each exhalation feel or imagine the warmth, the glow expanding outward.
When you feel ready, ask –
· What am I ready to know about my relationship with ________________ (guide or energy)
· What am I ready to see about my journey?
· How can I surrender more fully into ________________ (trust, love, joy, freedom, etc.)
As much as possible, allow thoughts and images to bubble up without filtering or judging.
As you’re ready to return to eyes open. Perhaps place a drop or two of the ritual oil on your palms (and/or mala). Rub the palms together gently and then tent them over your face. Inhale deeply, infusing your breath and each cell in your body with the vibration of light and energy.
Without analyzing – open a journal and write down any thoughts, words, images that came to you. When this feels complete, let the eyes close again and return to the breath for a few minutes. The meditative mind often communicates in symbols, these few addition quiet moments can help with a deeper integration.
Feel how you return to your day with a shimmer, a vibrancy, an inner glow. You might also notice that more information or insights bubble up throughout the rest of your day or in your dreams…stay open to receiving the synchronicities that will begin to abound!
Keeping it Alive
By practicing yoga and meditation regularly, you may find greater ease and opening to explore the knowings that will bubble up when you make time to deeply listen.
If at any time you feel really discouraged or deeply unsure, we recommend placing a few drops of the oil on your palms and inhaling deeply. Call on the vibration of our shared circle and tap into the flow of energy and vibrancy that this liquid essence inspires. And then feel free to get in touch with us!!! :)