Week 2

Curiosity, Ease & Empowerment

This week we will explore:

·        Curiosity and sensations

·        Breath as an anchor to ease.  “What is the relationship between relaxing my breathing and my internal sensations?” “How does a baby breathe?”  “How does an animal breathe?” What happens when I relax my belly on the inhale?” 

·        Where is your tongue?  A relaxed tongue can be key in relaxing the whole head.

·        Inner Resource as a tool of empowerment – you have choice.


Begin to explore/cultivate your inner sanctuary using the two self-practice exercises that follow.

Sensation Explorations – build a library of tactile sensations.

Quick body scan (below).

Week 2 written info HERE.

Homework Practice 1

Audio: Body scan with breath


Cultivating patience and tolerance for what is…