9/24 Video, throat chakra - https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/JayL9l1uiWj31M5kcc-QJ_RbgmIu9TLvSwUspQpCyPLTYMX_IC-mj31pDx5sDjv5.ivI64ndyhMMrHJWN
Passcode: Z+1ffRo3
Tuesday, May 14
11 minute meditation was emailed for you to practice breath-watching. Please do daily (or as often as possible for the next week).
Here is the trauma-sensitive breath practice with convo that I mentioned Passcode: J16wa@Xy
Our first foundational practice is BREATH WATCHING.
And below is the audio of the session of our Tuesday night class. Generally I will send a zoom link that will last 1 week for you to watch. This week though, Iām just adding the audio file :)