Waning Moon

Energy of Releasing

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Create Sacred Space

Open your ritual tin and place your card and crystal somewhere with in your energetic field.

Smudge your space and your body. 

You might bring some flowers into the room, something living to add to your altar.

The flower in the card is Borage. I chose it because it is an anti-depressant and heart healer and looks like a blue star. It’s said to help you travel great distances, but also return home safely. It’s an edible flower that I fell in love with in Oregon one autumn while sleeping in a teepee in the middle of a field during a women’s only lucid dreaming retreat. You can bring it’s energy into your space by calling to it and kindly inviting it to be with you.

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Ritual Meditation

Find a comfortable seat and take ksepanda mudra.
Start with palms together in front of you.

Leave the pointer fingers together as you interlace the remaining fingers. Thumbs cross. There will be a small hollow between your palms.
Allow the arms to relax down. Your extended pointer fingers will point toward the earth.
As you hold the mudra, close your eyes and repeat the following three times:

“I release stale, congested (and/or) trapped energy from my body, mind and soul.”
Now repeat:
“This energy flows out and away from me.”
Let your attention land on the releasing, pouring out energy of the mudra. Take five deep rounds of breath sighing loudly on each exhalation.
Release ksepana mundra.



Bring hands to the heart, breathe naturally and remain here until you feel ready to open your eyes again.

Offer a moment of gratitude to the energies that have guided and protected you. And perhaps even gratitude for whatever is that you’ve just released. Bats are known as a symbol of rebirth, and you can’t move into something new until you’ve let go of what you’ve outgrown.

Take some time to come back into your space and journal about your experience.